Saturday, April 11, 2009


I lent my van to Erik, my son, so he could move last month. Last night he brought it back. He's sleeping now. I'll wait for him to wake. I think I'll be sleeping at the store tonight, and set up for tomorrow. I've been lax with the listings. Sales are slow. I'm pondering a mid-week book sale with ads, taking place under the veranda. Need to ask Danny.

Watching an old episode of It Takes a Thief. Pretty lame. I just finished that Forsyth novel I've been reading. Lame-O too. Honorable Schoolboy not holding my interest. Just got to the end of section 2, and next to read is "Shaking the Tree." Book on superstrings not so thrilling. I need to read what physicists write, not journalists. They repeat some dumb analogy a physicist has fed them, and pretend it's meaningful.

I've not been taking meds or suppliments since before my trip. Been home 10 days now. Took suppliments this morning. No meds. I'm pretty disengaged. Straw grabbing. Not finding any long ones, really. That accounts for starting the blog, in a sense.

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