Monday, July 14, 2014


The IRS where?  Cincinnati, you say?  Boehner cronies in a false flag operation, I think.  And the destruction of data only makes that seem more likely.  But I believe truth will out.

It was like the cold war days.  Russia hates China hates USA.  The object is for A to harm B, while implication C.  Then B and C are at war -- and A prevails.  False flag, that's what I think.

Now this lawsuit.  WTF!!!  I would think that exemption from regulation, temporal or absolute, are part of the unmitigated power of the president to pardon.  Perhaps unitary executive doctrine requires a specific exemption from the President -- an explicit executive order.  Given the Republican preference for a strong (unitary) executive, then perhaps they are pursuing an action which they win by losing, solidifying the doctrine of absolute pardon power beyond criminal clemency.  Boehner must be a genius.  An evil genius, alas.  Braniac from Superman, colored orange not green.  There must be a word for a lawsuit that one wins by losing.  Unconstitutional certainly.

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