Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Another open letter to Rep Hurt

I know that you and Leader Cantor have zero sincerity when it comes to debt reduction, despite your frequent protests.  Defense reductions and revenue enhancement are essential for any sincere proposal.  I'd like to see you move in a Constitutional direction.

First -- Stop these subsidies and favored treatment of big banking, fossil energy, and big defense.  TAX CARBON!  Don't fund the wall street casino with my retirement.

Second -- Don't push growth-killing measures that place burdens upon individuals that have been traditionally (or more importantly, recent measures upon which our prosperity depends) a shared social concern.  Potholes that I must fill, don't get filled.  That's not because I'm lazy.  All my neighbors are equally disincentivized.  Cantor's bogus budgets have been based upon the proposition that rich people wanting to be richer people are the engine of the economy.  What I think is the engine of the economy is a spirit of enterprise which is not deprived of rewards which ought justly come.  Be that public service (police, fire, teachers, groundskeeping, trash collection, etc) which is robbed of it's stature when collective bargaining and craft/profession based association (yes, even compulsory) is thwarted.  Be that innovators who discover that, when bohemoths make spurious intellectual property claims, the government charged by the Constitution to foster innovation, becomes allied with the forces poised to kill it.  One could go on and on identifying growth-killing measures in Cantor's bogus budgets.  Measure that leave us ill prepared to sustain a future consistent with our aspirations.  Consistent even with our present conditions.  And, appealing to Reagan's Lasker Curve, which affirms to right of government to maximize revenue, and points to how, I am certain, the CBO is certain, and everybody whose paycheck doesn't originate in Wichita is certain --- we are not past the cusp of the Lasker Curve.  It's not Voodoo economics which drives Cantor.  It's ubermensch objectivism -- it's letting the engine of economy run full bore, uncoupled from the drive mechanism.  It's a John Galt fairy tale of perpetual motion.  It's not a principle upon which prosperity will be achieved or sustained.  TAX CARBON.  Failure to tax carbon is the biggest obstacle to sustained prosperity.  I know -- Brazil, India, China -- what good for us, if not for them?  SILLY WOBBERT, that's what taxes are all about.  I scoff at appeals for Warren Buffet to hand over what he believes is just compensation to a government which enabled him to prosper so much as he has.  He alone.... I SCOFF.

Anyhow -- number 3 -- get back to Constitutional civilian oversight and participation in the military.  BIENNIAL review of defense needs.  Militia being the backbone of military preparedness -- for training and domestic/boundary mobilization, but only regular National military units available for foreign adventures, those units peopled by recruiting among members of a well-regulated militia.  NOT WHOLE UNITS.  NOT COMPULSORY FOREIGN SERVICE as a penalty for good citizenship.  And recognize that equipping and protecting soldiers is the object of defense procurement, not the distribution of Congressional pork.  And recognize that hostility is often the most expensive and least effective option to achieve global interests.  And hostility is often, perhaps always, inimical to national values.  TAX CARBON -- that will address more thoroughly than military mobilization the forces poised to violently challenge the status quo.

Of course Health Care is something that needs to be addressed, constructively.  Constitutionally.  A state-administered program to supply services that are agreed to be fundamental to our neighborly concern.   Things we cannot NOT do.  The discussion of where to draw that line has not been forthcoming.  The emergency-room as first-option has been a crippling approach to primary indigent health care.  I wish Gov. Vaginal Probe and the Cooch were doing their job.  And Viginia's legislature.  Instead they're intent up new Gerrymander, ala Texas 2002.  It's unfortunate that remedies have had to become national.  But having become so, DON'T FUND THE WALL STREET CASINO WITH MY HEALTH.  TAX CARBON.  Let us walk more, find value in natural places which serve as carbon sequestrators.  Let our industrial agriculture subsidies no longer feed unnhealthy habits.

Mostly -- TAX CARBON is the best way to assure America's prosperity.  Cantor's bogus budget is the best way to further the encroach of anti-American kleptocracy.

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