Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Counterpoint to illucid rants.

There was once a time when I feared, some say with Pope John Paul II, that George XLIII was the anti-Christ, poised to usher in the end of days.  Reading my stream of consciousness rants in these recent Open Letters, and knowing my correspondence with Silly Wobbert over his two years in office has been pretty much in the same vein, I thought I'd share something here a little more polished from back in 2005.  It could be more lucid, I'm sure.  But someone other than I need have taken it there.  Nobody stepped up to the plate.

Shanksville Address (Flight 93) 

Four sorely sullen years ago,
Their fatwa brought forth
Upon this continent
A new outrage.
Conceived in jeolousy
And dedicated to the proposition
That empire is inherent evil.

Now we are engaged in a crass imperial war,
Testing whether some nation
Or some other nation
Harboring such conception or dedication
Can dare try to stop us.

We remember today
The provocation of that war.
We have come to justify
Our disproportional response to it,
As a final resting place
To liberties only hated by ourselves.

And yet that day, heros among us
Stepped up to call. Many died.
We dedicate this day to those heroes
And to the fallen innocent.
It it altogether fitting and proper
That we should do this.

But in a larger sense,
We cannot dedicate
We cannot consecrate
We cannot hallow this day.
The brave men, living and dead,
Who struggled with fists and flames
To stem loss and destruction
Have consecrated it,
Far above our cynical ploys
To add their honor to our own
Or to detract eyes from our dishonor.

The world will little note,
Nor long remember,
Their small and noble deeds,
But can never forget the ignoble attack,
And our ignoble response,
Which dishonors these
And all who have died
Through twenty score years
To bring freedom from imperial lust.

It is for us, the living,
Rather to be dedicated here
To the forgotten ideals
That inspired their valor.
It is rather for us
To be here rededicated
To the faith that freedom and justice
Conquers the force of arms
And not by such force,
Being dedicated to our brother
And devoted to our neighbor.

From our honored dead,
We take increased devotion
To that cause for which
They have given
The last full measure of devotion.
That we this day highly resolve
That those who died four years ago
And in these last four hundred,
Shall not have died in vain.

That this nation shall abandon
Imperial agression and the
Ersatz entitlements of exceptionalism
And dedicate ourselves once more
To the truly exceptional.
A new birth of freedom!
That this government
Of the People
By the People
For the People
Shall not perish from the Earth.
By Robert Corey

© 2005 Robert Corey (All rights reserved)

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